Science of Reading in 30 Minutes: Supporting Reading Instruction In The Library

Friday, February 16, 8:00 am–8:50 am
Seattle Convention Center - 614

While the emphasis of Science of Reading is on the shift towards explicit phonics instruction, phonics is not the only component of successful literacy instruction, and school library resources can play a key role. Gain an insightful overview of the Science of Reading and the essential components of a successful literacy block in under 30 minutes. Discover how to effectively leverage the authentic literature in your library to support classroom teachers and enhance their direct instruction. Delve into the benefits of helping students build background knowledge, expand their vocabulary, and explore the power of print in fostering a love of reading.

50-minute Session
Focus Area:
Emerging Trends, Media/Information Literacy, Teacher Librarian, Other
Curriculum Specialists, ELL/ESL, Instructional Technology/Technology Coaches, Teacher-Librarians
Skill Level:
All levels
Grade Level:
Grades PreK-2, Grades 3-5

Presented by

Matt Croyle (Presenter)
Sales Representative

Shannon Miller (Presenter)
K12 Teacher Librarian, Future Ready Librarian Spokesperson
Van Meter Community School

Shannon serves as the preschool-12 district teacher librarian at Van Meter Community School District in Iowa. She is also the Future Ready Librarians Leader and Capstone Community Leader and author. Her new book, Sonia's Digital World, was published in 2022 with ISTE and Capstone. Shannon is an avid blogger at, The Library Voice, writing, speaking and consulting on librarianship, education and students around the world. And her most favorite role of all....proud mom of Brianna and Hagan, and lucky wife of Eric's.
