Putting the Pieces Together - CANCELLED

Thursday, February 15, 2:00 pm–2:50 pm
Seattle Convention Center - 612

We often use the term technology integration but find ourselves doing the same things with new technology. This session will focus on increasing the level of technology innovation by demonstrating how to build lessons and activities that are engaging, rigorous, and relevant for all students. This session will provide a foundation to move beyond the substitution level of technology integration and have all learners extend beyond. This is accomplished using the Rigor Relevance Framework, SAMR, and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

50-minute Session
Focus Area:
Coaching, Emerging Trends, Professional Development
All Audiences
Skill Level:
All levels
Grade Level:
All Grade Levels

Presented by

Adam Phyall (Presenter)
Director Of Professional Learning and Leadership
Future Ready Schools

Dr. Adam Phyall III is the Director of Professional Learning and Leadership for Future Ready Schools and former Director of Technology and Library Media Services for Newton County School System in Covington, GA. Dr.Phyall worked extensively with Title I and Urban schools throughout his professional career to improve technology integration with economically disadvantaged students. He has planned and developed Mobile Learning plans for school districts in Georgia and Missouri that have led to 1:1 device initiatives. His philosophy on teaching is “If you’re having fun teaching it, then your students will have fun learning it.”