Maximizing e-Rate Funding: Unlocking Opportunities in Cybersecurity and On-the-Go Connectivity

Wednesday, February 14, 2:00 pm–2:50 pm
Seattle Convention Center - 613

Join our panel of 3-5 school district representatives with facilitators from AES to discuss topics including new eRate rules, Cybersecurity Pilot program, Leveraging eRate dollars with other funding sources, and the importance of WiFI on school buses, plus possible funding source via. eRate.

Focus Area:
Administration, CTO/IT Director/Coordinator, IT Technician, Instructional Technology/Technology Coaches
Skill Level:
All levels
Grade Level:
Grades K-12

Presented by

Jill Stone (Presenter)
CEO, Founder
American e-Rate Solutions

I have spent 34 years in the education and technology fields. I have a passion for children, learning, and teaching. I believe that children are our greatest treasures and that our educational system needs to meet their needs so that they can become the leaders of tomorrow. Our nation’s future rests in the hands of our children and is a direct result of our investment in them.