The New Normal: How CTE Succeed in a Virtual School

Friday, February 16, 8:00 am–8:50 am
Seattle Convention Center - 611

At Bethel Virtual Academy (BVA), a K-12 asynchronous virtual school, we have transitioned from traditional learning to an asynchronous setting utilizing eDynamics curriculum that incorporates career and technical education (CTE) courses. This allows students to explore their interests and develop the skills they need for career and college readiness. In addition to providing students with hands-on experience (yes! Virtually!) in their chosen fields, CTE courses also teach them important 21st century skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and teamwork. BVA provides graduation pathways, a virtual SkillsUSA club, and work-based learning opportunities to help students develop the skills they need to succeed in college, career, and life. CTE courses are offered in a variety of areas, including business, IT , health care, and STEM. We will talk about the development of our CTE program at the founding start of our school in 2020 to present. Our ideas and systems can be used in any school setting, virtual, hybrid or in-person.

50-minute Session
Focus Area:
1:1, Blended Learning, CTE, Digital Citizenship, Emerging Trends, IT, Leadership, Online/Distance Learning, Professional Development, Remote/Virtual Learning, STEM/STEAM
Administration, All Educators, CTE Educators, Curriculum Specialists, ELL/ESL, Gifted/Talented, Special Education Teachers, Teacher-Librarians
Skill Level:
All levels
Grade Level:
Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Grades K-12

Presented by

Megan Buchanan (Presenter)
Classroom Teacher
Bethel School District

This is my first time presenting at NCCE. I am nearly a decade into teaching Math & Science and newly CTE certified in STEM-Technology. I have a Master's in Instructional Technology where I learned how to incorporated different technology platforms in the classroom. I have been a teacher at BVA since its inception teaching and leading the Math Department, recently teaching Chemistry & Computer Science. I am also the technology rep for BVA. I am excited to showcase our school and how we can create an alternate educational environment for every student!

JEFF JOHNSON (Co-Presenter)
Director of Career and College Readiness
Bethel School District

Bethel School District


Lois Noble (Co-Presenter)
CTE STEM Teacher
Bethel School District

Mrs. Lois Noble is the CTE STEM teacher for both middle school and high school at the Bethel Virtual Academy. She is a 2023 eDynamics Compass Teacher Award winner for Middle School. She has taught at elementary, middle and high school. She is a current NBCT in EA Science and was a Master Teacher for Project Lead the Way for 17 years. She is teaching for her 29th year and has a passion for neural education and equity focused instruction.
