Affinity Session for Black Educators

Thursday, February 27, 8:00 am–8:50 am
Seattle Convention Center - 612

Affinity sessions are exclusive communities that bring together like-minded individuals with common interests or identities. These sessions provide a unique space for meaningful open discussions to connect and collaborate. Attending an affinity session means joining a supportive community where you can engage with peers who understand your perspective, share insights, and foster valuable connections beyond the conference.

We invite you to stop in and connect with other educators to network and learn from each other.

Affinity Session
All Audiences
Skill Level:
All levels
Grade Level:
All Grade Levels

Presented by

Gregory Bagby (Facilitator)
Coordinator of Instructional Technology
Hamilton County Schools

Greg speaks nationally on many topics, including the meaningful adoption of AI in schools and recruiting and retaining your best teachers. He is the Coordinator of Instructional Technology for the Hamilton County Schools in Tennessee. In his past 30 years in education, he has served as a classroom teacher, building administrator, adjunct professor, and professional learning specialist. He was listed as one of the District Administration's top 100 influencers in Education for 2024. Greg also served on the 2024 National EdTech Plan Technical Working Group.