Brains, Behavior, and Screens: What is going on up there?!

Wednesday, February 26, 2:00 pm–2:50 pm
Seattle Convention Center - 607

Adolescence is a critical period of brain development, and understanding how the adolescent brain works is key to managing student behavior. This session will explore the neuroscience behind adolescent behavior, using the Conscious Discipline brain states model to explain why students act the way they do. Educators will gain insights into how brain states—Survival, Emotional, and Executive—affect behavior, and how to identify the underlying causes when students are stuck in reactive states. With increasing use of digital devices, students are becoming wired for instant gratification, leading to what is often referred to as “dopamine addiction.” Through this session, educators will build their capacity to understand the “why” behind student behaviors, especially in the context of heavy technology use. More importantly, participants will leave with practical strategies for helping students recognize and regulate their own emotions and behaviors, fostering greater ownership over their actions in the classroom.

Session (50 Minute)
Focus Area:
Blended Learning, Brain Research/Neuroscience, Digital Citizenship, Other
All Audiences
Skill Level:
All levels
Grade Level:
All Grade Levels

Presented by

Jeremy Sullivan (Presenter)
Director of Technology and Innovation

Dr. Jeremy Sullivan has served as Director of Technology and Innovation for the North Kitsap School District for the past three years. Prior to this, Dr. Sullivan was an English teacher and then Learning Specialist for Springfield Public Schools, Missouri's largest school district. Dr. Sullivan holds a Masters of Arts in Teaching from Missouri State University, a Doctorate of Education in Instructional Leadership from Lindenwood University, was selected as an METC 2020 Spotlight Educator, and has facilitated professional learning workshops at METC conferences, NCCE conferences, the National Blended and Personalized Learning Conference, GOCSD Innovation Summits, and the IB Global Conference.