Analog Books for Digital Readers: Next & Best Books for Attracting the TikTok Generation
TCC - 3rd Floor Ballroom
Today's readers are used to consuming (and creating!) information from sources that leverage multiple literacies to convey messages and ideas. In comparison, traditional print books can feel heavy and overwhelming for readers whose eyes are used to scanning through content quickly - bouncing from images to text to video to graphs to charts and back again. This session will focus on authors and books that have embraced the formats today's readers most respond to. Plus, we'll discuss how these multimodal texts can be used to help build fluency, confidence and a positive reading identity.
50-minute Session
Digital Literacy, Teacher Librarian
All Educators, Teacher-Librarians
All levels
All Grade Levels
Presented by
Jennifer LaGarde
Jennifer LaGarde
Jennifer LaGarde is a lifelong teacher and learner, with over 20 years in public education. Her educational passions include leveraging technology to help students develop authentic reading lives and meeting the unique needs of students living in poverty. A huge fan of YA Literature, Jennifer currently lives, works, reads and drinks lots of coffee in Olympia, Washington. Follow her adventures at or on Twitter @jenniferlagarde.